JT is ready to assist in the solution of complex problems in the field of finance, risk and treasury management. We are ready to help you solve current problems, as well as identify potential areas for development. Our team can make a diagnosis of the current maturity level of functions and provide expert advice with recommendations for optimization. We work with all companies irrespective of their size and complexity of business transactions.

JT is ready to assist in the solution of complex problems in the field of finance, risk and treasury management.

What we specialize in

You may need specialist expert advice to assist on a range of business activities. We provide transaction support services to help your business in a number of ways:

    • Buy-Side Financial Due Diligence
    • Sell-Side Financial Due Diligence
    • Post Deal Integration
    • Trust and Securities
    • Merger & Acquisition (M&A) and Divestments
    • Capital Allocation Decisions
    • Basis for Price Negotiation
    • Corporate Restructuring
    • Intellectual Property Licensing
    • Management Buy-out
    • Fund Raising Exercise
    • Reorganization

Why You Need Our Help

Whether you are buying or selling a company, we have the expertise to work hand-in-hand with your management team, providing valuable advice and insight into all aspects of the transaction. Our expertise stems from the extensive transaction advisory and investment banking experience of our professionals. These individuals understand the intricacies of complex transactions and know the crucial questions that need to be asked. They have the unique ability to quickly uncover critical issues and key risk factors as well as identify opportunities to maximize your position in ways that are not always readily apparent


Navigating the waves of uncertainty, risk management sets sail towards success.

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